We’ve got something for everyone!
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- Unser HighlightÜBERMORGEN Insektenburgermehr erfahren
- KLASSIK die Mutter aller Burger
- HEUMILCH Heumilchkäse
- KÄSE & SPECK Heumilchkäse & Speck
- WILDER WESTEN Heumilchkäse, Grillsoße & Röstzwiebeln
- AVOCADO Heumilchkäse & Avocadocreme
- BIRKENWALD Champignons & Schnittlauchsoße
- FEURIGER Ziegenkäse & scharfe Chilischotensoße
- ELSÄSSER Camembert & Preiselbeeren
- HELDENTAT mild. Gorgonzola, Früchtekompott & Walnüsse
- KRÄUTERGLÜCK Camembert & Kräutersoße
- GEISSBOCK Ziegenkäse, Speck & Feigenmarmelade
- HANS IM GLÜCK Hartkäse, Parmaschinken & Rauke
- PFEFFERSACK Champignons, 3-Pfeffer-Soße & Kräutersalat
- VOLLMUNDIG Speck, karam. Zwiebeln & Champignons
*first served basis.
Choose a product or a drink, to learn more about the nutritional values!
How do we calculate CO2 consumption?
23,4 g. Protein
23,4 g. (12g)
(of which sugar)
(of which sugar)
23,4 g. Fat
0 g. Salt
Nutrition values in detail
Bitte triff zuerst eine Auswahl
The allergens contained in each dish vary depending on your choice of bread. Unfortunately, we cannot completely rule out any cross-contamination between various ingredients in our kitchen. All products may therefore contain traces of gluten, egg, peanut, soy, milk, nuts, celery, mustard, molluscs, fish, lupins, shellfi sh, sesame and sulphites. If you have any further questions, can’t find a product or don’t see your allergy listed, please find further answers in our FAQs.
Our allergens as PDF: